
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Mobile Express Makes Its First Trip to Prison

Did you know that taking a van into a prison yard requires lots of precautions? It's true! We weren't allowed to carry cell phones. Or money. Or any sharp objects. And you need to protect the van steering wheel with The Club. And we can't have our keys, those go to the prison guard in charge of supervising us.

Of course, when you're with sixty prisoners who are scheduled to be released in the next thirty days, all of the precautions are worth it.

A big thank you to Marion Correctional Institution for reaching out to us so we can help dozens of their soon to be released inmates integrate into general society. By starting the process of applying for food stamps, these inmates are one step ahead of the game!

The incarcerated are another demographic that can greatly benefit from using the Benefit Bank. Many prisons also double as Benefit Bank sites and we're always happy to help prisoners and their family members get the help that they need. This may have been the first event in a prison, but we suspect there will be many more valuable events within prison walls in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. How great! I'm still ready and willing to ride shotgun whenever you can use me! Keep up the good work Mobile Express!
