
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Following the Great Miami River

During our drive to Auglaize County, Erin and I passed through the best named town in Ohio: Russells Point. Since Wikipedia doesn't say why the town is named this, I am going to take the liberty of assuming that it has something to do with me. Russells Point is also home to Indian Lake.We've seen a lot in our travels, but in criss-crossing the interior of the state, seeing corn fields is much more likely than seeing a marina.

(There's also a McDonald's right on the lake, where all of their advertising is focused on desserts and ice cream. Something about the ads is really effective in the lakeside setting; I've driven past this McDonald's with two different passengers and both asked that I stop for an ice cream cone.)

Indian Lake is also the beginning of the Great Miami River. We followed the river downstream to Piqua for a health fair sponsored by Wright State University and the Second Baptist Church. We were only a block from the riverbank.

At the health fair, we ran into a problem that appears to be common throughout Ohio: People who were on permanent disability who didn't have Golden Buckeye cards. That is just like leaving money on the table. If you are on disability, please take your award letter or your Medicare card to your nearest library, senior center, or The Ohio Benefit Bank site. This is a five minute application process! You get a temporary card right then and there!

So, fellow OBB counselors, if you come across someone under the age of 60 on disability, you have your orders.

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