
Monday, August 31, 2009

Important News About School Fees

We'll have some details on our Mobile Express trips to Lorain and Warren in a moment, but I first wanted to point out an important change in benefit policy.

One of the many applications within the Benefit Bank software is for the School Lunch Program. If you're below 185% of the federal poverty line, your children may be eligible to have the price of their school lunches reduced. At 130% of the federal poverty level - the same line in the sand that determines food assistance eligibility - those lunches become free.

So, if you're on food assistance, you're eligible for free school lunches.

And now (again, brand new!), if you're receiving free school lunches, you are no longer responsible for any student fees. To pull the money quote directly from the law books:

"No board of education of a school district shall charge a fee to a pupil who is eligible for a free lunch for any materials needed to participate fully in a course of instruction."

Since this is brand new, there's a chance that not every school district is aware of these changes. If you know of anyone on food assistance who is having trouble paying for their children's textbooks or calculators, please call us immediately at 1-800-648-1176.

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