
Friday, February 1, 2013

Dig Deeper

I was recently reminded that the way in which we offer services to our clients has a huge impact on the likelihood of the client accessing those services. Here’s what happened:

Tyler and I were going about our typical routine, setting up our computers, printer, and work station when our host began to introduce The Ohio Benefit Bank as a visiting service provider. Nothing but blank stares.

Just to make sure everyone got the message, I walked the room one person at a time, introducing myself and asking if they had any questions about the programs for which we could help them apply. Finally a question: “Why do I only receive $16 in food stamps?” I was thrilled, not only because there was a question, but because I was prepared to answer this one. I responded, “It’s an income-based program. The minimum benefit amount is $16, but that should cover the basics: bread, milk, and eggs.” The conversation went from work to rent to hobbies, until I identified two additional benefits they were eligible for: HEAP and Golden Buckeye.

So what’s the point? Sometimes we can all be inclined to offer assistance, without really taking the time to listen to others. Dig Deeper! Have a conversation! Get to know their needs and the barriers they’re facing and you’ll be able to provide a much more meaningful intervention.

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