
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Soul of Buckeye Parade

The OBB Mobile Express had the pleasure of parading down Buckeye Road on Cleveland's east side among community agencies, dance troupes, marching bands and other spectacles.

The area has a development corporation charged with rejuvenating the neighborhood and we were invited by them to join in the fun at their Soul of Buckeye parade.

Here is the jazz man that greeted us:

One of the spectacles--Monster Truck!!
Complete with loud funky music that makes you move to the groove. One can not help but sway to the sweet sounds.

A look at the monster truck before the parade:

Below is a video of one of the dance troupes--colorful and coordinated:

Russell manned the van, with celebratory waves while I and two awesome VISTA's worked the crowd. We talked to many people and now the Ohio Benefit Bank is well represented on refrigerators all over east Cleveland.
Many came to the van after the parade and learned about benefit eligibility; it was a sunny day, good food all around, jammin' music, local talent and lots of friendly people. Good stuff!

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